Interview with Roger Moore
Evie Sullivan: Today, I’m here with Roger Moore. Roger Moore was my instructor in integrative medical hypnosis. He’s really very close to my heart because this man knows so much about mental health, about hypnosis, and how to help people who are really desperate, very often cancer patients, people with Parkinson’s, and also end of life consulting. Roger, what is your specialty? What do you think you are really best at and how do you help your clients?
Roger Moore: I’ve been in private practice with hypnosis since 1997. My emphasis has been on medical hypnosis. I help people deal with the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of disease.
Evie Sullivan: How do you deal with people who have terminal diseases? How is this helping them? Of course, there’s no cure for cancer, no cure for Parkinson’s. We know that. But how can you help people to ease their pain?
Roger Moore: Well, with cancer, studies are showing that hypnosis is powerful and it’s an effective tool in dealing with the physical symptoms of cancer, as well as decreasing the need for anesthesia during surgery, allevi pain, nause, fatigue, and emotional distress. Hypnosis can also be used to modify the course of a disease process. Studies show that during surgery, someone who was hypnotized, particularly it was a breast cancer study, women required 22 % less analgesia, 34 % less sedation, and after surgery, reported 53 % less pain intensity. It’s a very powerful tool, and that comes from the Journal of National Cancer Institute.
Evie Sullivan: Wow, that’s really amazing. How about Parkinson’s? Can you help people with tremors?
Roger Moore: There’s a long established history of the efficacy of hypnosis in the field of medicine. I work with people with Parkinson’s for offering a drug free approach for those who are dealing with the tremors and the freezing and the speech issues and the gait issues. Hypnosis can also help with relieving the anxiety, the trauma, the disease, depression, pain, and low libido and just a host of other issues that people present that have Parkinson’s.
Evie Sullivan: How about end of life? You are helping people who have only limited time to live and help them to transition this ease and grace.
Roger Moore: It’s an area of work that’s very dear to me because being with people at the end of life, there’s this bond that forms and it’s dealing with the mental emotional aspects of death and dying, the grief, helping them make peace with their family, with their friends, dealing with forgiveness. Often, we’re working with pain and anxiety and also setting boundaries of keeping people away and creating a safe space because so often, family and friends don’t want to hear or don’t want them to talk about the fact that they’re dying, and it’s a very lonely process. I allow a safe space for people to talk about their own death.
Evie Sullivan: Do you sometimes go to hospitals when you have a client who is in the hospital? Do they let you come in and do hypnosis on the clients?
Roger Moore: Absolutely, because I’m a guest of the person, of the client. They invite me into their hospital room. I’m an invited guest. The beauty of that is the staff are in and out and they get to know me. Then pretty soon I’m talking with the staff and helping them with their own grief and anxiety and stress.
Evie Sullivan: Well, this was very interesting. I thank you so much for coming out today.
Roger Moore: Thank you, M archie. It’s a pleasure to be with you today.